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APAI shelter – SALVAREa Cateilor Abandonati

After my visit, and helping APAI shelter in 2022, I hadn’t planned on returning any time soon. My efforts concentrated of raising much needed funds for the care of the animals at APAI shelter, versus spending money on travel. But, my mother had passed away in Germany and I had to dissolve her home and affairs. Since I was already in Europe it only made sense to travel to Romania as well.

Once on location I was shocked what I saw, the contractor that started rebuilding this shelter, where I hd helped before, had abandoned the project before it was finished. Although with a promise to return, it just didn’t seem that would be anytime soon. The more than 200 dogs were left on bare concrete and tile floors with no added protection. Some cut out tires were present and sleeping tubs, but for many of the larger dogs these were much too small to provide an adequate “bed”.

Overwhelmed by these harsh conditions, I jumped into action, purchasing wood and supplies to build 27 plus new doghouses, repair old broken down ones, and build platforms to fit into the concrete cages. Of course, the time I had planned to spend in Ineu was not enough to get all this done by myself. We hired a carpenter, Teo, who was simply amazing.

Teo continued the work on all these dog houses and more, after I already left. He got it finished in record time, as well! I will always fondly remember Teo, he is the best carpenter I ever met, and that says a lot, especially considering my professional involvement with carpentry. In the meantime I had coordinated a Romanian transport from Germany.

Since my mother had a ton of clothes, I had previously removed all the embellishments and zippers of the comfy ones, and shipped them off to APAI. This was a great way to “recycle” and keeping the animals warm and offer some soft surroundings. Keeping in mind that straw cannot be used in the new building because it would clog up the drain pipes.

Leaving APAI was really hard this time, but I felt purpose by reusing so much of my mothers’ belongings, helping these poor dogs. A part of my heart always stays with them, but for now it is vital I raise much needed funds to help with veterinary care as well as helping to pay for the enormous food bills.

Please join me in aiding this shelter, without it, many dogs would end up in a kill station. Change is in Romania and beyond!