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Helping White Owl Sanctuary on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota

Calvin Red Owl, Kevin, and Eva

In the summer of 2023, we recognized a huge need for the White Owl Sanctuary on the Pine Ridge Reservation, led by Calvin Red Owl, a young native man. At the time only about 15 animals were present, but the need was great.

Due to a vicious attack in his home, Calvin sustained injuries that prevented him from earning monies thru making and selling his crafts. All this happened after a previous devastating hardship of the trailer burning down where he homed the animals in his care.

Calvin RedOwl got himself into more and more debt, falling behind with bills. He couldn’t pay veterinary care as well as food for the animals in his care, nor meet his own basic needs. stepped in and paid off internet, electricity, vet bills, etc.. food for the animals and his family.

We organized a decent lawn mower, got a dumpster, bought a refrigerator, furniture, and more to get things to a renewed operating level for Calvin, his family, and his animals. Besides all that we replaced the front door and added a security system.

We gave as much as we possibly could to give this young man a fresh start!